Jacob M Engel
Organization Consultant, CEO of Yeda LLC, Author
My passion and mission in life has always been to help people and organizations not only succeed, but to prosper.
I started working for the family business in 1976 straight out of school. We were growing quickly and I had to learn on the job. In 1994 I became COO and it required learning new skills, so I began reading all about leadership and searching for mentors and “leadership” successes.
My first great “aha” moment came while reading “Please Understand Me” by Dr. David Kiersey. It was about understanding your own management and leadership type and understanding others. I then came across various books by Dr. Stephen Covey and attended his courses. Since then I’ve been an avid reader of many different leadership theory and practice books.
Since taking early retirement, I’ve started many different projects. What they all have in common is helping others help themselves and succeed.
To date, I have given numerous seminars, worked with many different companies in trainings, consulted for organizations big and small, and created this website to help you and others like yourself prosper.
I recently published a book entitled the Prosperous Leader, which articulates the many great ideas I have researched and tested, as well as how these ideas can help anyone from the budding entrepreneur to growing businesses to family enterprises.
In working with many consultants and presenters, I have come across those that have succeeded in helping many succeed. When needed, we come together as a team to offer a full and well rounded consulting and training experience.
I’m happy to do a free 30-minute consult so we can discuss your goals and see how my team can assist you in achieving them.
My certifications are: Certified Positive Psychology Coach, Certified Myers-Briggs Types Evaluator, Certified 7 Habits Facilitator and I have been trained by Roy Cammarano in his methods.
Please feel free to call my direct line at 845.357.5003 or via email:
Looking forward.
Jacob M. Engel
Jacob M Engel, CEO-Author
The Prosperous Leader

Roy Cammarano
International Business Consultant & Author
My greatest desire is to be remembered as someone who helped people achieve, not only their potential, but their dreams. As a company executive and international business consultant, I have helped entrepreneurs achieve their vision, realize those dreams and earn millions of dollars from the businesses they started, enabled employees to find the right career in which they could excel, and ensured customers could achieve their goals through the right mix of goods and services.
I always knew I wanted to lead people to great things. In high school, I considered following the family tradition of joining the military – until I found out that I could not enlist at the rank of “General”. Instead, I became a competitive athlete and ultimately a nationally-ranked competitive athlete in Judo. This experience taught me the importance of good coaching, a game plan, teamwork, and individual effort. I thought I’d become a physical education teacher and coach, but I quickly discovered that the lessons I learned in sports had application in the business world.
Like many people, my early work experience consisted of several customer-facing jobs. I’ve been a lifeguard, salesman, and bartender. Because of my martial arts training, I could always find work as a doorman for clubs and bars. This experience helped me learn the basics of creating great customer experiences – maintaining a safe environment for customers. However, after an intoxicated customer I was escorting out tried to shoot me, I sought less dangerous work in the health club industry. I started as a personal trainer, where I helped customers achieve their personal fitness goals. This led to health club management where I designed new processes for sales, operations, and customer experiences for over 20 health clubs.
My work at this time caught the attention of the well-known authors and motivational speakers Tony Alessandra and Rick Barrera. I was a student of their ideas and they were intrigued with how I put them to work developing customer relationships. They decided to feature me in their book Non-Manipulative Selling (Prentice-Hall). Working with Tony and Rick, I learned not to manipulate customers, but to understand their needs and goals – which I believe is the secret to developing long-term customer relationships.
My expertise in sales became my ticket to greater opportunities. Don Keough of American City Business Journals (ACBJ) hired me to help start up business-oriented newspapers in new locations. I became an Executive Vice President, launching and managing papers from Jacksonville, FL to San Francisco, CA . My efforts helped the company become, in 1987, number 11 on the INC. 500 small publicly traded companies list. Today, ACBJ continues to thrive with papers in 41 cities. I had now found my calling – leading and growing companies. I left ACBJ to join a managementconsulting firm. One of my first leadership engagements w as with a major Utah-based ski resort. Yes, the skiing was great (which is the question everyone asks me). However, what I learned most was how to create solutions for maximizing the customer experience, both on the slopes and in our restaurants and lodgings.
Through other consulting and executive leadership positions, such as with Chums, an eyewear accessories company (INC. 157), I carved out a niche as one who could help fast-growing entrepreneurial companies transition into managed companies. Based upon these experiences, I wrote my awardwinning book, ENTRPRENEURAL TRANSITIONS (Griffin). This led to featured speaker engagements for INC. magazine and a contributing editor gig for Success magazine. Furthermore, numerous publications including Nations Business, Investors Business Daily, INC., Success, Entrepreneur, Atlanta Business Journal, Franchise Update, and several daily newspapers wrote about my ideas and methods. I appeared on several television shows and in general became well known and made my parents proud.
It was through these ideas that I connected with Bob Cowan, founder of American Teleconferencing Services (ATS). At the time, ATS was a twice-listed INC. 500 company with annual sales of about $6 million. The company provided teleconferencing services to companies and led the industry in innovative services for investor relations, marketing, and product training. I became president of ATS and in less than three years grew the company to $64 million in annual sales. We invested heavily in creating do-it-yourself services using IVR and web-based technologies that enabled our customers to reserve their own teleconferences. We built the MarketTouch consulting services to teach our customers how to deliver world-class teleconferences to their customers. Ultimately, Boland Jones, founder of Premiere GlobalServices (NYSE: PGI), saw that ATS complimented the telecommunications business he built. PGI acquired ATS and it became Premiere Conferencing. The conferencing business now contributes over $200 million in annual revenues to PGI.
After the acquisition of ATS, I continued working with PGI as president of several operating divisions. During this time the company went through a restructuring in which I had to sell several of the divisions. When the last division was sold, I was effectively out of a job. So, I bought a boat and lived the dream everyone dreams – taking a well-earned two-year sabbatical cruising around Mexico.
Now I’m ready for the next challenge. I’m consulting with a family-run food center in Florida to help them become the next Stew Leonard’s. In addition to helping them open their second location, I’ve been guiding them in how to enhance their customer experience. We’ve implemented new management structures, merchandising methods, customer service training, mystery shopping, and an innovative management bonus program. The company is on its way to become a $100 million company. I also serve as a board member and consultant to another INC. 500 company, Distant Replays, located in Atlanta GA.
My life’s story wouldn’t be complete without a bit of glue that connects the stories together. I earned a B.S. from SUNY Brockport and an MBA from the University of Phoenix. My home bases are South Florida and San Diego. Looking back on my career, I w as blessed to work with some incredible visionaries, people who literally changed the way industries operated. The opportunities were not only educational but tremendously exciting. They form the foundation of my new book, CREATING DO-IT-YOURSELF CUSTOMERS (Thomson Texere)

Harvey Young
Executive Leadership & Personal Development Consultant
Harvey Young believes that the parts of leadership and personal development that run deep—those not immediately obvious—are often the most important. He is committed to developing leaders who will become stewards of an organization’s precious resources—especially its people.
Before his work with FranklinCovey, Harvey enjoyed a career in finance and management. During his 30 years as a business executive, he served as Chief Operating Officer for the City of Pittsburgh Housing Authority, Vice President of Secondary Marketing for Howard Hanna Financial Services, and President of West Penn Financial Services. He also worked in Philadelphia as a Senior Marketing Representative for Fannie Mae.
Harvey also founded and built MortgageXpress Financial Services, a mortgage banking company, to $1 billion in sales and $3 million in revenues as well as developed a mobile productivity application for BlackBerry users.
Harvey has worked with a variety of clients, including Fortune 500 organizations that represent manufacturing, real estate, finance, education, and banking. In addition, Harvey enjoys working with nonprofit organizations and government agencies at the local and federal level.
Bob Heiss
Sales Productivity & Management Consultant
Bob Heiss, a licensee of Sandler Training specializes in business development strategies, sales productivity training and management training. The company's client base is composed of corporations, small businesses and traditional sale professionals as well as those in other fields (professionals such as accountants, architects, lawyers, etc.) who desire to build their practice or enhance their selling skills.
Bob is an effective public speaker and regularly addresses companies and organizations in many diverse industries. He has published a wealth of articles on sales, marketing, achieving goals and success conditioning.
Bob began his career with JP Stevens & Co. Inc., a well known textile company as a salesperson. After consistently leading the company in sales for five years, Bob became a regional manager for two years, and finally spent ten years as the Vice President of Sales for a national sales force. Throughout his career, Bob has sold to small entrepreneurs as well as large corporations. Bob's love of sales and the personal reward he felt from the years of training he gave his staff led him to start a company where he could devote all his energies to training, coaching, speaking and, of course selling. The Sandler Selling System provides the perfect platform for these endeavors.
Bob and S&R Associates coach and train company sales staff and management on an ongoing basis. As people develop more positive attitudes, renew their sense of commitment and change their behaviors, sales and management techniques become effecitve and people become more successful. The results are increased sales and revenue, a more dynamic and motivated sales force, and an enhanced bottom line.

Deena Samuels
Associate Organizational Consultant
Deena Samuels graduated from Baruch College, Weissman School of Arts & Sciences in December 2016 with a master’s degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Using the knowledge acquired from her coursework in Applied Statistical Analysis, Research Methodology, Personnel Psychology, Leadership, Organizational Psychology, Training & Development, Organizational Health Psychology, Coaching, and Motivation, Deena is eager to help organization’s thrive, ensuring their long-term sustainability and growth.
Preceding her attendance at Baruch College, Deena acquired her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Queens College, City University of New York, in September 2013 with Honors such as Magna Cum Laude, Dean’s List, and Highest Honors in Psychology.
Past work experiences have included working in Talent Development & Learning, assisting disabled children, as well as administration including generating reports and assisting with developing employee evaluation forms.

Eli Wiener
Associate Organizational Consultant
Eli Wiener believes in empowerment as the means to achieve success.
Eli is the founder and president of Corporate Risk Solution, a credit insurance brokerage firm breaking new ground in the insurance industry, aimed at medium to large sized businesses. Eli is also the president of Sababa Media, a digital signage company, which services small businesses in Rockland County.
Through these two positions, Eli has come to know and feel what makes small businesses tick, and how to take businesses to the next level.
Aside from his day job, Eli is involved in a host of public-interest, nonprofit endeavors. Eli founded and continues to run the Monsey Jobs Network (MJN), a volunteer networking association for those looking for employment opportunities. Previously, Eli was Executive Director of Areivim, a youth-centered organization for kids at risk.
Eli is also a sought after guest speaker for public events. Eli has spoken at events conducted by various organizations, including Kfar Yelodim, Areivim, Ohr Meir & Bracha, Tomchei Shabbos, and Kehillas Zichron Yaakov. Additionally, Eli has delivered a lecture on behalf of MJN on the Seven Habits of Highly Effective people.
Eli is devoted to helping people—and businesses composed of regular people—become the very best they can be.
Get In Touch
We appreciate your interest in reaching out to Jacob M. Engel, Organization Consultant and CEO of Yeda LLC. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will respond to you at our earliest convenience. Thank you for considering Jacob M. Engel as a valuable resource for advancing your business.