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Are you an Effective Communicator?


At the heart of every organizations leadership is communication. When this area is lacking or inconsistent, there is a danger that employees will grow confused, feel misdirected and demotivated to improve themselves and the organization as a whole. A leader's communication skill is essential to effective leadership because without this, it's like taking a walk on your own. With that, leaders need to be conscious of how and what they communicate to their team.

Assuming a skilled leader will have, or be trained to develop these elements of communication, the required communication coming from a successful leader; one who will gain the trust and required contribution of teams within a company includes:

Leaders Tell Us Who We Are

1.Teams rely on leaders to define the company (or explain the history of it), and who they are or what they do, creating a sense of .

2.Leaders communicate and explain what the outcome of those goals will be, or in other words, why the company is focused on the future described.

3.Leaders do an excellent job of portraying the in a way that brings about excitement for the company's stakeholders because it relates to their (stakeholders) own lives.

  • Reaffirming individual contributions and the value each person adds to the organization is key in helping each individual involved with the organization to understand his or her unique role in the company's mission.

5.Clearly communicating an organization's achievement strategy as well as allows for a unified force which focuses on achieving the company's Vision.

6.Individuals need to be reaffirmed by the leaders of the company By doing so, the leaders' colleagues and subordinates will feel more confident and capable as they pursue the organization's Vision.

Leaders, who are trained to effectively communicate these 6 key aspects of an organization to its employees and shareholders, will be able to create teams that function as a healthy organism in alignment with the organization's corporate Identity, Values, Purpose, and Vision. By doing so, a united front is created that is able to withstand any of the tsunamis of change that are sure to confront the organization. If you're still undermining the power of communicating with your people, below are some specifics on how communication benefits your people:

Communication empower team

A simple phrase such as "Good Job" or "Job well done" does a lot for every employee. This tap in the back could empower the person to thrive more and be at his best.

Don't be selfish in communicating appreciation and satisfaction towards team members.

Communication gives security to team

Inform team of organizational changes especially if they are affected by the change. In some companies, a memo regarding a re-org was already released yet the employee involved did not even know about it. This creates confusion to the employee and while others become happy of the changes, some are left confused if they are still secure with the job they have now. Some may fear of retrenchment or non-renewal of contract just because there is no communication and proper information dissemination given to them. Make it clear that no one will be terminated so team members clearly know where they stand.

Communication provide direction to team members

When leaders communicate their expectations, team members know what road to take and what actions to prevent. Make it known to your team members what output would you like them to submit or what kind of job you want them to perform. Leaving an employee on his own without proper guidance will affect the quality of his outputs. Misguided employees easily get frustrated because they don't know what to do and how to do it.

Failure to communicate can become the root cause of conflict and problem in the organization. Even the simplest project could fail if people don't talk to each other, whereas cultivating a culture of effective communication will bring forth stronger and successful teams

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